To tackle climate change ​crisis, conserve and protect ​the environment for ​sustainable development in ​ASALs and Lake Basin ​Regions of Kenya

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To improve productivity ​among small holder farmers ​for nutrition, food security ​and incomes.

To promote participatory ​governance, peace, gender ​equality, human rights and ​social justice.

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To build finance resilience of ​Nguzo Africa through ​community philanthropy and ​#ShiftThePower, social ​enterprises development, ​innovations, and catalytic ​investments.

To position Nguzo Africa as ​a vibrant, innovative, and ​model organisation for ​effective service delivery.

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Nguzo Africa partners provides technical and financial ​support towards the implementation of our strategy. ​We value our partners for their continued support.

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Committed to just, resilient and prosperous ​communities.

Our location

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Narok Town, Kenya

Nguzo Africa. Total, Block 11, along, Maasai Mara ​University Way.

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