The Mau-Mara Run is a fun-filled event ​that seeks to grow 10 million trees, restore ​degraded Mau-Mara landscapes and build ​community resilience to climate change ​crisis in Narok County, Kenya.

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___RUN FOR TRees___



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Express your kindness, generosity and ​love to people, and the planet.

Join us to grow 10 million trees, ​restore degraded lands and build ​community resilience to climate ​change crisis in Narok County, Kenya.

10th October 2024

The Mau-Mara Run

Run for trees. Run for restoration.

The Mau-Mara Run is a fun-filled event that ​seeks to grow 10 million trees, restore ​degraded Mau-Mara landscapes and build ​community resilience to climate change crisis ​in Narok County, Kenya..

Since 2011, Nguzo Africa has been growing ​trees in Narok and championing for ​landscapes restoration for ecosystem health ​benefits. Through support from I&M ​Foundation, Kenya Community Development ​Foundation (KCDF) and the county ​government of Narok, we have grown more ​than 100,000 trees in 55 schools, public and ​community spaces.

Narok County landscapes are 70% degraded ​threatening food security, livestock ​production and tourism at the Maasai Mara ​Game reserve. Narok county requires more ​than 500 million trees to restore degraded ​landscapes for biodiversity and ecosystem ​health. This is not an easy target to achieve.

That is why we are reaching out to you to be ​our valued partner and contribute to grow 10 ​million trees in schools, community spaces ​and at farm level.


Be The Mau-Mara Run Partner

Help us power The Mau-Mara Run. ​A unique funny filled community ​giving event in Kenya.

You can organise your teams for a ​field road trip - to raise funds - for ​the big fun run day for trees in the ​Mau landscapes. Get your staff out ​to run for fitness, walk through the ​hills and valleys to appreciate and ​promote landscape restoration and ​tree growing in Kenya's leading ​Water Tower.

"Giving back to the community ​helps you - individuals, businesses ​and brands to connect, increase ​your visibility and impact. This ​underscores the importance of ​sustainability as a driver of ​business growth. Individuals and ​businesses must prioritise doing ​good for their communities and the ​environment while delivering value ​to people and planet."


Corporate Sponsorship categories

Minimal Infographic Template with 3 Steps

Diamond ​Sponsor

KES. 1-3 million

30 participants

10,000 trees ​grown

Platinum ​Sponsor

KES. 750,000

25 participants

7,500 trees ​grown

Gold ​Sponsor

KES. 500,000

20 participants

5,000 trees ​grown

  • Prominent branding ​placement in all event ​materials - website, banners, ​posters, media mentions, ​awarding of prices.
  • Organize a customized fun-​filled giving activity with ​your team. Organize ​volunteer opportunity by ​your corporate employees.
  • Get featured in "Community ​Power Magazine." Published ​quarterly.
  • Named after mini forests ​adopted and grown.

  • Prominent branding ​placement in all event ​materials - website, banners, ​posters, media mentions, ​awarding of prices.
  • Organize a customized fun-​filled giving activity with ​your team. Organize ​volunteer opportunity by ​your corporate employees.
  • Get featured in "Community ​Power Magazine." ​Published quarterly.
  • Named after mini forests ​adopted and grown.

  • Prominent branding ​placement in all event ​materials - website, banners, ​posters, media mentions, ​awarding of prices.
  • Organize a customized fun-​filled giving activity with ​your team. Organize ​volunteer opportunity by ​your corporate employees.
  • Get featured in "Community ​Power Magazine." Published quarterly.
  • Named after mini forests ​adopted and grown.


Community Sponsorship categories

Abstract Infographic Template with 3 Circles

Silver ​Sponsor

KES. 250,000

15 participants

2,500 trees ​grown

Bronze ​Sponsor

KES. 100,000

10 participants

1,000 trees ​grown

Restoration ​Champion

KES. 50,000

5 participants

500 trees


  • Prominent branding ​placement in all event ​materials - website, banners, ​posters, media mentions, ​awarding of prices.
  • Organize a customized fun-​filled giving activity with ​your team.
  • Get featured in "Community ​Power Magazine." ​Published quarterly.
  • Named after mini forests ​adopted and grown.

  • Prominent branding ​placement in all event ​materials - website, banners, ​posters, media mentions, ​awarding of prices.
  • Organize a customized fun-​filled giving activity with ​your team.
  • Get featured in "Community ​Power Magazine." ​Published quarterly.
  • Named after mini forests ​adopted and grown.

  • Prominent branding ​placement in all event ​materials - website, banners, ​posters, media mentions, ​awarding of prices.
  • Organize a customized fun-​filled giving activity with ​your team.
  • Get featured in "Community ​Power Magazine." ​Published quarterly.
  • Named after mini forests ​adopted and grown..

Register now sticker for banner design. Modern promotion tem

The Mau-Mara Run ​Registration Prices

  • Kshs 2,500 In Person Adult ​Registration with t-shirt.
  • Kshs 1,000 Virtual Registration ​to support the fundraiser.
  • Kshs 500 In Person Learners ​with a T-shirt.

(In person means physically ​participating at event.)

Your Name

Go to MPESA, select “Lipa Na ​MPESA”, then select “Pay Bill ​Option.”




Your Name

Go to MPESA, select “Lipa Na ​MPESA”, then select “Pay Bill ​Option”.



Cheque payment

You may also give via a ​cheque made out to ​“Nguzo Africa”

Account Name: Nguzo ​Africa

Account No: 1265483167

Orange Neon Button

Committed to just, resilient and prosperous ​communities.

Our location

White Neon Button

Narok Town, Kenya

Nguzo Africa. Total, Block 11, along, Maasai Mara University Way

connect with us
