Reclaiming the lost power of ​alternatives, diversity, and solidarity

As you settle after the 2023 #ShiftThePower Global Summit ​experience with 700 plus change makers in Bogotá, Colombia, the ​aside "Summit Communique" is here. It is dedicated to you who felt ​restless and vowed to reclaim the lost power of alternatives, diversity, ​and solidarity to create the world we want. Much credit goes to the ​event organisers, led by Jenny Hodgson, Global Fund for Community ​Foundations (GFCF) and her creative team, for confronting the world ​pain through relaxed atmospheres, light-up talks, and plenty ​connecting spaces. And you of course,100%.

Indeed, development and humanitarian work is becoming more ​traumatic and difficult amidst geopolitical cold ideologies of control, ​greedy and destruction. We know that to build the civil society and ​funding system we desire is a long journey with turbulences, ​blockages and delays, but we are determined to reach our ​destination.

"What will it take to build a global civil society and funding system that ​centre equity, justice and flourishing lives for all?"

The little progress we have made are destroyed in split seconds. The ​practical experiences we have shown on how dignified sustainable ​development should be done are fast rejected, deeply classified as ​slow, disconnected and unfashionable. Supporter of "old-colonial aid ​system," claim that the emerging community-led development ​models lack infrastructure, absorption and technical capacities to ​offer development as defined by big funders. Yet there is enough ​evidence that the old aid development models don’t work. Defenders ​of this system are resistant, stubborn and defensive. The few who are ​listening are reluctantly trying to buy time and offering flimsy excuses. ​Luckily, we have brave allies who have taken bold steps to reimagine ​international development and community led development.

The alternatives

Alternatives gives you freedom to choose, innovate and improve. In ​pre-summit weaving forums, thousands of community leaders wrote ​and spoke about their struggles to do good to communities. It is clear ​that the staggering cost of building and strengthening local-led ​community organisations is well-documented, but the investments to ​this area are minimal. Stories of understaffed, underfunded and ​struggling local organisations are easy to come by. Everyone knows ​that this is a calculated way of disempowering the local community ​ownership and leadership. The lack of supporters is real. But, the ​optimism and resilience from community change makers is inspiring.

There is much hope and light at the end of the tunnel. What if all the ​last-mile, little known community organisations document their ​natural physical resources such as rivers, land, shelter, wildlife, ​sunshine, carbon, gas, oil, minerals, coffee, trees, herbs combine that ​with money and in-kind contributions such as skills, knowledge, ​security, territories, people, languages, food, hospitality, warmth, love, ​music, dance, culture, and networks. We shall have huge community ​prosperity funds spread across the globe. From Colombia to Peru. ​South Africa to Niger. Combined these community funds will have ​huge asset bases and they shall be more than 1000% rich of what is ​computed as humanitarian aid from the usual big donors. With such ​community prosperity funds, we shall have built a strong base to ​respond to our development challenges and avoid the top-down ​power imbalances that comes with external funding.

Lighter relief is building. There are now many upcoming organisations ​and community foundations building their resources and assets ​through their communities. But this as demonstrated by many summit ​participants requires your commitment to change and look at the ​power and resources within us. In many ways, the message is much ​the same: having steady streams of local resources to funding ​community organisation actions is dignifying. Waiting for external ​traditional donors to cater for your programs and operations costs ​100% is awful.

There are alternatives in program design, delivery and measuring ​impact. There are immense opportunities to fundraise locally and ​serve communities with dignity.

Diversity and inclusion

It is so disturbing that most poor and vulnerable communities are ​excluded and marginalised. Because of created poverty, the poor ​people in Africa, Latin America, Asia, Europe and South America can’t ​move. Such exclusions deny people knowledge, experience, and ​connections to build enterprising connected communities.

As defined inclusion is about how well the contributions, presence, ​and perspectives of different groups of people are valued and ​integrated into an environment. It is painful that our connections are ​prevented by lack of resources, infrastructure, borders and artificial ​racial and ethnic profiling. These are the historical challenges that our ​leaders have failed to address. The great work being done by Africa ​Rising to build borderless Africa should be supported. Similar ​movements should be enhanced to building lost connections in the ​Global South.

Solidarity in movements

If there is any goldmine that we must invest in is on solidarity that ​enhances collaboration, cooperation, and coherence. Charles Kojo ​Vandyck’s recent Alternative Convos Podcast with Muhammed Lamin ​Saidykhan on activism and movement building, demonstrated the ​power of building solidarity to change the world. Building solidarity is ​about organising and working with likeminded people to create huge ​impact for humanity and community good.

Muhammed gives us hope that despite absolute dictatorship and ​oppression, where communities are at the verge of giving up, ​organised solidarity can bring change. It is doable. Organised ​solidarity and movement building brought down Yahya Abdul-Aziz ​Jemus Junkung Jammeh, the Gambian politician and dedicator who ​served as President of the Gambia from 1996 to 2017. Saidykhan's ​good work in growing Africa Rising is a testimony on how revived ​connected-solidarity (Pan-Africanism) is shaping the future of Africa.

We should invest and build a strong ShiftThePower movement ​infrastructure that is dynamic and responsive to challenges we get ​from every corner of the global level. Building solidarity helps to ​remove the increasing despair among the oppressed. We need critical ​skills such as getting proper intelligence, working on safety of ​activists. Governments particularly in Africa have invested heavily in ​silencing activists. It is critical to strategize. Use technology diligently ​and think critically about the outcomes. Often, activists work for good ​change, but lack critical support from each other. Let's build ​intercontinental solidarity for justice, equity, dignity and prosperity.

Muhammed advices that to build solidarity and unity of our struggles, ​we should shun on building exclusive thematic movements such as ​gender movement, climate movement, etc. He says that we are strong ​together in fighting for social justice.

We are vulnerable but powerful. Our vulnerability connects and move ​our waves in the high seas. Let's work and demonstrate that our ​critical numbers and connections can change world.


This is a journey. We are just but beginning to experience it. Since we ​shall be moving in rough seas and skies, expect turbulences and ​prepare in advance. The fruits of change are here now for you and ​generations to come. Power to the people! Let’s keep learning from ​each other. Light your candles with the person in distress. Tell the ​person next to you that: “I love you.” “You are amazing.” “You are a ​gem to this world.”

May you have a great, happy and flourishing 2024! Let’s keep the ​dialogues.

The Author, Elizaphan Ogechi, is the Executive Director, Nguzo Africa. ​He is ShiftThePower fellow with the Global Fund for Community ​Foundations (GFCFs).


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